Energy from biowaste

Our plant in Dresden produces biogas for sustainable power and heat production

Biogas is produced during the fermentation of biowaste. Our biowaste anaerobic digestion plant in Dresden-Klotzsche has a capacity of around 46,500 tonnes of biowaste per year for biogas production. This waste comes from the Saxon state capital and the neighbouring Zweckverband Abfallwirtschaft Oberes Elbtal.

Plant expansion through biogas upgrading completed

The plant, which went into operation in 2017, has been part of our group of companies since 2018. It is therefore our first biogas plant in which municipal biowaste is used for fermentation.

With the construction of the biogas upgrading plant, we have been able to process the biogas produced into biomethane and feed it into the gas grid since October 2021.

Fermentation offers potential

The fermentation of biowaste offers enormous potential for energy recovery and thus supplements the subsequent composting with a further component of a sustainable recycling economy. On the one hand, this reduces the emission of greenhouse gases to the environment and, on the other, provides a substitute for fossil natural gas. We are therefore working on further biowaste fermentation projects throughout Germany and are currently developing a new plant in Bernburg/Saale in Saxony-Anhalt.


Koray Karaadak
Managing Director


David Rindt
Managing Director