Clean energy from bio-waste

Our new bio-waste anaerobic digestion plant in Bernburg (Saale) launched operations in 2022

This plant uses everything that lands in the bio-waste bin to generate environmentally-friendly biogas – and thus sustainable energy.

Climate-neutral energy source also increases independence from natural gas

By treating the biogas resulting from bio-waste digestion, the plant produces around 21,000 megawatt hours of biomethane each year. Biomethane is a renewable energy form and a fully-fledged, climate-neutral substitute for natural gas. After all, compared with full composting of the bio-waste without generating energy the bio-waste anaerobic digestion plant in Bernburg saves around 7,400 tonnes of CO2. That is roughly equivalent to the impact of converting 2,200 households to green electricity and around 300 households to green heat. The biogas plant in Bernburg is therefore making a major contribution both to increasing our independence of fossil gas supplies and to protecting the climate.

Major contribution to sustainable circular economy

Another benefit of the forward-looking combination of bio-waste digestion and biogas production is this: The state-of-the-art plant can process around 33,000 tonnes of bio-waste a year. As well as biogas, the digestion process also produces a ferment residue that, once treated, can be put to valuable use in solid or liquid form in agriculture.

This way, MVV is making a major contribution to building a sustainable circular economy and sparing the ever scarcer resources of our planet. Over and above its environmental benefits, the plant also increases disposal and supply reliability and boosts the regional economy.

Project Number 67K12911
KSI: Construction of a new low-emission bio-waste anaerobic digestion plant in Bernburg (Saale)

National Climate Protection Initiative (KSI)

With its National Climate Protection Initiative (KSI), the Federal Ministry for the Environment has since 2008 launched and supported numerous projects that help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Its programmes and projects cover a broad range of climate protection activities: From developing long-term strategies through to providing specific assistance and investment funding. This variety guarantees a range of good ideas. The National Climate Protection Initiative has helped to promote climate protection on a local level. It therefore benefits consumers, as well as companies, local authorities and educational facilities.


Koray Karaadak
Managing Director


David Rindt
Managing Director