
Our compliance management system (CMS) is a key element of our corporate management

Strict compliance with legal requirements, as well as full respect for human rights are fundamental components of responsible corporate management and corporate culture for us and have always been of central importance.

Compliance with statutory regulations and internal company requirements has become considerably more important. The reputation and economic success of a company can suffer considerable damage as a result of compliance violations, which is why a preventive compliance strategy is becoming increasingly important today.

Our compliance management system (CMS) therefore forms a key element of our corporate management. The system helps us to ensure that legal requirements are complied with while also ensuring that our in-house guidelines are implemented and the ethical standards to which we are committed are met.

In a detailed Compliance Handbook as well as accompanying compliance guidelines, we describe both the material contents and the necessary organisational structures and processes, as well as the relevant personnel responsibilities and our reporting system.

We have structured our CMS in such a way as to ensure that relevant processes in sensitive areas are checked in advance already. This way, we can avert any infringements and take corrective measures on a preventative basis. To this end, we do not check our processes in reaction to incidents, but rather structure our processes so as to ensure that compliance-relevant requirements are already adhered to as part of our respective business processes (systemic compliance).

Donations and payments to political organisations are strictly prohibited at the MVV Group. Payments to capital providers are made exclusively in the form of dividends.

Our Compliance Officer liaises with the business units thereby affected to compile compliance-relevant requirements, document and explain these requirements, monitor their implementation and ensure they are adhered to. Furthermore, he trains employees on the key focuses relevant to their individual activities, checks compliance with all CMS processes and reports to the Executive Board. The Compliance Officer advises and supports the Executive Board with regard to preventative measures intended to avoid and, where necessary, investigate any infringements of the law, corruption or deliberate acts harmful to the company.

We pay particular attention to providing employees working in sales, sales-related areas and procurement with detailed information about corruption prevention and extensive explanations of the correct way to deal with offers of gratuities and invitations.


An important component of our CMS is the Whistleblower Hotline (WBHL). Employees and third parties can use it to report possible serious misconduct while retaining full anonymity.


Compliance and Human Rights

As an energy company, we have always been aware of our responsibility towards our customers, business partners and the environment.

The orientation of our entrepreneurial activities is based on internationally applicable standards and guidelines, as is our strategy of respecting human rights and environmental concerns.

Policy Statement of the MVV Group on Respecting the Environment and Human Rights
MVV Business Code of Conduct

Compliance at suppliers

We survey the suppliers and service providers to our material company locations about their compliance. Moreover, for major tenders and contracts our central procurement department obtains supplier self-registration and supplier information. This way, we ascertain

  • Which compliance and anticorruption regulations are applicable at the respective supplier and whether these also apply to its upstream suppliers and subcontractors
  • Whether working conditions comply with the relevant national laws and regulations and whether internationally recognised labour standards are complied with
  • Which nonmonetary company goals, such as voluntary environmental protection measures or educational, cultural or sports sponsoring activities, are pursued.

Further key components of our corporate management include our risk management system and the internal control system in respect of the financial reporting process (IKS).

Sustainability Key Figures
2024 FY

Published on 07th March 2025 (in German)