Biomethane from regenerative fuels

We are building a sustainable closed energy cycle

Biogas is one of the most versatile renewable fuels – it can be used both to supply electricity and heating energy and as a fuel for natural gas-powered vehicles. Since autumn 2012, our biomethane plant in Klein Wanzleben in Saxony-Anhalt has been feeding environmentally-friendly biomethane into the public grid. Operations at our second plant, located in nearby Kroppenstedt, began spring 2014. A third highly efficient plant is in Stassfurt, also in Saxony-Anhalt, another one is in Barby in Salzland district. Furthermore, MVV Enamic also operates four biogas plants nationwide.

Waste-free closed cycle
The fuels we use at our biomethane plants are grown on arable land within a maximum radius of 20 kilometres from the plants. Following fermentation at the plants, virtually all of the substrates deployed can be put to use as valuable natural manures, thus replacing more harmful artificial manures. This closes the cycle, as these valuable nutrients promote the growth of new energy plants which can in turn be used to generate biomethane. The result is a sustainable closed energy cycle that produces almost no waste.

Decentralised electricity and heating energy generation
Around 60,000 tonnes of regenerative fuels are fermented at each of our biomethane plants each year. The biogas thereby produced is refined on location into biomethane and then fed into the public natural gas grid.


Certified quality

Sustainable operations are part of our self-conception. Hence our four biomethane plants are managed according to DIN 50001 and are audited regularly.

Certificate ISO 50001


Dr. Christian Hower-Knobloch
Geschäftsführer MVV Umwelt GmbH


Uwe Zickert
Managing Director of MVV Umwelt GmbH