Climate-friendly energy generation

Rather than being generated from fossil fuels at large power plants, our electricity will in future come from widespread smaller-scale power plants working with renewable energies, and in particular from onshore wind power and photovoltaics. This decentralised energy generation places different needs in energy infrastructures and also raises questions for society, such as acceptance within the general population.

We are pressing ahead with expanding renewable energies and replacing conventional heat generation with low-CO2 and renewable sources. These also include using the waste heat emitted at our energy from waste plants.

To enable us to reach our target of more than tripling our renewable energies electricity generation capacities from 633 megawatts currently to 2,000 megawatts in 2030, we are consistently investing in expanding our own renewables generation portfolio. Here, we are focusing above all on onshore wind turbines and photovoltaics. To significantly expand its proprietary green generation portfolio, MVV will increasingly retain domestic wind power and photovoltaics projects developed by its Juwi subsidiary within the Group.

We have all-round expertise in developing, building and operating renewable energies plants on behalf of third parties. That is why we have set ourselves the target of connecting renewable energies of 10,000 MW to the grid between 2017 and 2026. We aim to achieve this in particular by installing onshore wind turbines and photovoltaics systems both in Germany and abroad. Biomass plants and photovoltaics systems at customers’ locations will contribute smaller amounts.

At the end of the 2023 financial year, the electricity generated at renewable energies plants (including biomass/biogas and the biogenic share of waste/refuse-derived fuels) accounted for 41 % of our total electricity generation (previous year: 32 %).


Dr. Mathias Onischka
Head of Sustainability Department
Sustainability Key Figures
2024 FY

Published on 07th March 2025 (in German)