Facts about our Stock

MVV Energie AG, Mannheim, ISIN: DE000A0H52F5

Stock ExchangesXETRA Frankfurt, official trade Frankfurt and Stuttgart,
free trade Berlin, Düsseldorf and Hamburg
Stock Exchange Segment/IndexPrime All Share
SymbolXETRA MVV1, Reuters MVVGn.DE, Bloomberg MVV1 GR
Category of SharesRegistered no-par value shares (ordinary shares)
proportional interest in capital stock Euro 2.56 per no-par value share
Capital StockEuro 168,721,397.76
Capital Stock no. of Shares65,906,796
Dividend for 2024 FYEuro 1.25 and special dividend Euro 0.30
Designated SponsorLandesbank Baden-Württemberg
Admission to TradingMarch 2, 1999
Key Indicators per Share2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY
Adjusted earnings (Euro)1.5712.2812.6717,7813.531
Cash flow (Euro)5.81218.26214.452- 9.3127.562
Adjusted book value5 (Euro)20.411321.671323.941331.331333.2213
Price/ earnings ratio16.81414.11410.8144.0148.914
Price/ cash flow ratio4.5241.8242.04- 3.344.224
Dividend yield4 (%)3.763.363.663.764.06
Dividend yield4 (%)---4.77-


1 Weighted number of individual shares: 65,906,796
2 from operating activities
3 Excluding non-operating derivative measurements items
4 Basis: closing price in XETRA trading on 30 September
5 Excluding minority interests, weighted annual average number of shares
6 Basis: regular dividend 
7 Basis: regular dividend plus one-off dividend