Corporate social responsibility

As a company with regional roots, we are an active part of society in the locations and regions in which we operate.

Structural transformation, demographic change, growing economic inequality and unequal access to education – these factors often impact negatively on local communities. Promoting active citizenship therefore has a key role to play in safeguarding the common good.

To play our part here, we support projects in the fields of social welfare, education, science, culture and sport across the whole MVV Group. In most cases, the support we provide is financial, taking the form of donations or sponsoring.


MVV is committed in a variety of ways to meeting its responsibility to society in Mannheim and the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. We have been an active part of society for many years, with focuses on sports and culture, as well as education and science.

Stadtwerke Kiel is a key supporter of cultural life and sports activities in Kiel. One example is the role SWK has played since 2002 as a partner to Camp 24/7, a sailing camp at which around 6,000 children and young people learn how to sail each year and the only project of its kind in Germany.

Energieversorgung Offenbach has launched the “EVO Educational partnership”, which works with primary schools and offers further training sessions to convey in-depth knowledge about the energy turnaround and climate change, renewable energies and the generation of energy from waste.

The value we create on site makes us a major economic factor at our locations. We invest, award contracts to local or regional businesses where possible, secure jobs, offer high-quality training and pay taxes and duties.

You can find more about the variety of ways in which we show our commitment to our regions here:


Dr. Mathias Onischka
Head of Sustainability Department
Sustainability Key Figures
2024 FY

Published on 07th March 2025 (in German)