Our press releases

Found entries (217)

21. Juni 2010 | MVV
MVV Energie acquires wind farm in North-East Germany
Entry into wind power business as part of renewable energies expansion programme - Eight e.n.o. energy wind power plants with total output of 16 MW generate electricity for 10,000 households
14. Mai 2010 | MVV
MVV Energie remains on course
Mannheim-based energy company feels effects of slight economic recovery following weak market situation at end of last year - Forecast confirmed for overall year: sales and earnings to match previous year's level
12. März 2010 | MVV
MVV Energie dividend stable at Euro 0.90
MVV Energie, an energy company listed in the SDAX, is paying a dividend of 90 cents per share for the past 2008/09 financial year (1.10.2008 - 30.9.2009).
12. März 2010 | MVV
MVV Energie expects ecologisation of energy industry
Annual General Meeting of Mannheim-based energy company focuses on strategic alignment and implications of economic crisis - Profitable growth by investing in renewable energies and energy efficiency
15. Februar 2010 | MVV
MVV Energie begins new financial year with slight dip in earnings
Impact of economic crisis, price cuts and mild weather conditions at year end leave their mark on 1st quarter of 2009/10 - Forecast for financial year as a whole confirmed
27. Januar 2010 | MVV
MVV Energie comes through crisis year in good shape
Sales exceed three billion euros for first time in past 2008/09 financial year; operating earnings marginally down on previous year - Mannheim-based energy group investing in renewable energies, energy efficiency and cogeneration


Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications

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