Our press releases

Found entries (217)

15. Februar 2012 | MVV
Mild winter squeezes earnings at MVV Energie
Weather leads to decline in heating energy and gas turnover - Additional charge due to turbine damage at joint power plant in Kiel (GKK) - Full-year outlook confirmed
22. Dezember 2011 | MVV
Plymouth City Council grants planning permission for Energy from waste plant
City Council approves of plans by MVV Umwelt - Commissioning planned for 2014
15. Dezember 2011 | MVV
MVV Energie calls for joint effort to achieve energy turnaround
Politicians, business and society as a whole will have to pull together on the way towards a new energy age - Sales growth and consistent operating earnings in past financial year - Investment programme set to influence earnings performance in coming…
13. Oktober 2011 | MVV
Clean wind power for 35,000 households
EVO: Wind farm with highest output in south-western Germany / Opening scheduled for early summer 2012
22. September 2011 | MVV
Matthias Brückmann to remain on MVV Energie AG Executive Board for further five years
The Supervisory Board of the Mannheim-based energy company MVV Energie AG has extended the contract with Matthias Brückmann (49), the member of the Executive Board responsible for sales, for a further five years through to the end of July 2017.
12. August 2011 | MVV
MVV Energie awarded municipal waste incineration contracts in Rhine/Neckar region
Contracts awarded by cities of Mannheim and Heidelberg and Rhine/Neckar District Council to MVV Umwelt Ressourcen subsidiary - Around 200,000 tonnes a year in total


Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications

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