Our press releases

Found entries (215)

15. Mai 2012 | MVV
MVV Energie plans to rethink energy
Conversion of energy supply along ecological lines requires new approach to energy - Low generation margin, mild winter, damaged turbine at joint power plant in Kiel and high investments lead to reduction in earnings - Full-year outlook confirmed
16. März 2012 | MVV
MVV Energie committed without "ifs and buts" to the energy turnaround
Mannheim-based energy company making good progress in expanding renewable energies - Green electricity generation volumes now theoretically enough to supply all households in Mannheim, Offenbach and Kiel
16. März 2012 | MVV
MVV Energie pays unchanged dividend of Euro 0.90 per share
As in the previous year, MVV Energie, the Mannheim-based energy company listed in the SDAX, is paying a dividend of Euro 0.90 per share for the past 2010/11 financial year (1 October 2010 - 30 September 2011).
15. März 2012 | MVV
Udo Bekker to be new Personnel Director and Labour Director at MVV Energie
Personnel Director at Vattenfall Europe AG to move from Berlin to Mannheim - Hans-Jürgen Farrenkopf set to retire at end of year after ten years on Executive Board at Mannheim energy company
15. Februar 2012 | MVV
Mild winter squeezes earnings at MVV Energie
Weather leads to decline in heating energy and gas turnover - Additional charge due to turbine damage at joint power plant in Kiel (GKK) - Full-year outlook confirmed
22. Dezember 2011 | MVV
Plymouth City Council grants planning permission for Energy from waste plant
City Council approves of plans by MVV Umwelt - Commissioning planned for 2014


Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications

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