18. Juni 2015 | JUWI GmbH

juwi Group Exceeds 400 MW in Asia and Starts Constructing a 39 MW Photovoltaic Power Plant in Southern India

Utility-scale PV power plant to produce 64 million kilowatt hours clean electricity p.a. / 25 years' Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with state-owned distribution company

Blue sky, scattered clouds and lots of sunshine most of the year. The proximity to the equator makes the South of India an ideal location for large solar power plants. Since 2011 the German juwi group has realized more than 146 megawatts (MW) in India and around 400 MW in Asia have been completed or are under construction. This month the subsidiary juwi India Renewable Energies Pvt. Ltd. starts constructing a ground-mounted utility-scale PV power plant with 39 Megawatts capacity. The project is located in the federal state of Tamil Nadu. Grid connection is scheduled for the end of this year.

"Around the globe the demand for cost-effective solar energy is increasing. This is especially true for Asia and India", says Amiram Roth-Deblon, juwi's Regional Director for Asia Pacific. By 2022, India is committed to install 100 gigawatts of PV power generating capacity. With its Indian branch, established in 2010 in the high-tech-mecca Bangalore, juwi is ideally positioned on the subcontinent. "In addition to our impressive track record, we also have a well-filled project pipeline for the upcoming years," Roth-Deblon continues.

Covering an area of around 250,000 square meters in the vicinity of the town village Samudram, powerful poly-crystalline solar modules are mounted on fixed racks. "Because of the quality of the modules and the strong irradiation at this location, we expect an annual electricity production of almost 64 million kilowatt-hours," says Rajesh Bhat, Managing Director of juwi India. "Carbon-free PV power can already compete in terms of cost with climate-damaging electricity from coal or other fossil fuels."

Economic security for the future operator of the solar park guarantees a so-called Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), in which a state energy supplier agrees to purchase the produced electricity for a period of 25 years.

The construction site was consciously selected in an area, where any agricultural use is impossible due to soil conditions. Also important for a country like India, with rapidly growing population and the associated increase of greenhouse gases: Every year the new solar park plant avoids would avoid the emission of more than 16,400 tons of the climate-damaging greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2).

With the new PV plant juwi has more than 60 projects with a total capacity of over 400 MW completed or under construction in the Asia-Pacific region (APAC). The projects are situated in India, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines.

About the juwi group
juwi is one of the world’s leading companies in the area of renewable energy with a strong regional presence. The company offers project development and EPC services as well as products and solutions for the energy turnaround. Company activities are mainly projects with solar and wind.

Matthias Willenbacher and Fred Jung established the juwi group in 1996 in Rhineland-Palatinate. For almost 20 years, both energy pioneers have been active as Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of the juwi group. Since the end of 2014, Mannheim based utility MVV Energie AG has been co-owner and partner of the juwi-group. juwi has about 1,000 employees worldwide, branches on all continents and is actively engaged in various projects all over the globe. Working together with passion to implement renewable energy economically and reliably is what drives us.

So far, juwi has realized around 800 wind turbines with a total capacity of approx. 1,750 megawatts at more than 100 sites. In the solar segment, more than 1,500 projects with a total capacity of around 1,400 megawatts have been designed and constructed. Combined, these energy systems produce around six billion kilowatt hours of clean energy per year, equalling the annual demand of around 1.5 million German households. Within the past 18 years, juwi has initiated an investment volume of around six billion euros to realize these projects.

For inquiries:
juwi AG
Felix Wächter, Press Officer
Tel. +49 (0)6732 96 57-1244
Mobil +49 (0)152 09 33 18 78




Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications