Our press releases

Found entries (213)

10. Dezember 2015 | MVV
Energy turnaround needs heating turnaround to succeed
As well as expanding renewable energies, MVV Energie will also be building in future on efficient combined heat and power (CHP) generation and environmentally-friendly district heating - At Euro 175 million, annual earnings 3 percent up on previous y…
03. Dezember 2015 | MVV
Ralf Klöpfer's Executive Board membership at MVV Energie AG extended for five more years

The Supervisory Board of the Mannheim-based energy company MVV Energie AG has extended the contract with its Sales Director, Ralf Klöpfer (49), for a further five years through to September 2021. This was announced by the company after a meeting o…

06. November 2015 | MVV
MVV Energie builds on diversity
Women’s share of workforce to gradually rise from 28 percent currently to 35 percent by 2022, and from 15 percent to 25 percent for management staff – Promoting women accorded high priority for years now – Employees from 45 countries active at Group…
02. November 2015 | MVV
MVV Energie and BayWa r.e. launch operations in Barby at second joint biomethane plant
High-efficiency plant in Magdeburger Börde region uses broad mix of substrates
16. Oktober 2015 | MVV
MVV Energie power plants in UK connected to grid
Operations launch at Plymouth energy from waste plant and Kent biomass power plant - Total of Euro 400 million invested in sustainable, efficient energy supply
14. August 2015 | MVV
MVV Energie confirms annual forecast
Mannheim energy company confirms full-year forecast despite ongoing tough energy industry framework and negative one-off factors - Nine-month earnings at Euro 196 million - Investments 25 percent up on previous year


Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications

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