24. Juli 2013 | MVV

Ralf Klöpfer appointed as new Chief Sales Officer at MVV Energie AG

Ralf Klöpfer has been appointed as the new Chief Sales Officer on the Executive Board of the Mannheim-based energy company MVV Energie. From 1 October 2013, he will thus succeed Matthias Brückmann, who has moved to the Executive Board of the Oldenburg regional utility company EWE. This was announced by the Mannheim-based group on Wednesday following a meeting of its Supervisory Board.

Klöpfer, who is 46 years old and comes from Karlsruhe, can contribute experience gained in more than 20 years working in the energy industry to his new task in Mannheim. Having graduated in studied electrical engineering, from 1993 onwards Klöpfer held senior positions at Badenwerk and at EnBW. As Spokesman, he was most recently responsible for managing EnBW Vertrieb GmbH, having already acted as Managing Director with responsibility for risk management at EnBW Trading GmbH. Ralf Klöpfer is married and has two children.

"His competence, personality, and broad range of experience in the energy industry make Mr. Klöpfer a superb addition to our group of companies, with its focus on sustainability and growth", stressed Dr. Peter Kurz, Lord High Mayor of Mannheim and Chairman of MVV Energie's Supervisory Board. "Particularly in these times of far-reaching change in the energy markets, he combines innovation and a new way of thinking about energy with the ability to implement this approach effectively in day-to-day practice at the company".

For Dr. Georg Müller, CEO of the MVV Energie, successful sales activities are one of the key factors in securing the future of an energy company. "We intend to consistently exploit the opportunities presented by this transformation, one in which renewable energies are set to assume the leading role in the future energy supply". This also involved ensuring uniform management of all sales-related divisions, such as trading and portfolio management, as well as of energyrelated services, which in future will also be managed within the sales division.

"I look forward to assuming my new responsibilities at a growth-driven, forward-looking company. With its municipal and regional roots, MVV Energie acted early to set the right strategic course", commented Ralf Klöpfer in an initial statement about his move to Mannheim. "My new role is an exciting challenge, one that I will tackle working closely with employees and in the interests of our customers."


Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications