06. November 2015 | MVV

MVV Energie builds on diversity

Women’s share of workforce to gradually rise from 28 percent currently to 35 percent by 2022, and from 15 percent to 25 percent for management staff – Promoting women accorded high priority for years now – Employees from 45 countries active at Group

Mannheim-based energy company MVV Energie intends to consistently raise the women’s share of its workforce and management staff in the years ahead and has set itself ambitious diversity targets. The women’s share of the overall workforce is to be increased from 28 percent at present to 35 percent by 2022, while the female share of managers is to be raised from 15 percent to 25 percent.

"MVV Energie has accorded high priority to promoting women for years now", commented Udo Bekker, the company’s Personnel Director, in Mannheim on Friday. "We aim to expand this commitment even further in future with family-oriented personnel policies and new personnel development instruments." The company thus plans to introduce an internal talent pool with a gender ratio and to further enhance its existing child and nursing care offerings.

"These targets will help us to be an attractive employer in all areas for talented staff regardless of their gender," added Bekker. Given demographic change and the resultant shortage of specialist and management staff in Germany, diversity will be a key factor driving future economic and social success for forward-looking, growth-oriented companies.

MVV Energie is already characterised by diversity in another area, with employees from 45 countries working at the companies across the Group. Comments Bekker: "We see the diversity of our workforce as an opportunity. We are convinced that our employees' different cultures and competencies provide us with a competitive advantage."

By publishing its targets for increasing the women’s share of its workforce, MVV Energie is meeting the provisions of the new "Law on Equal Participation of Men and Women in Private-Sector and Public-Sector Management Positions" one year earlier than legally required.

MVV Energie at a glance
The publicly listed MVV Energie AG is one of Germany’s leading energy companies. With its headquarters in Mannheim, the group of companies is building on sustainable growth in renewable energies, boosting energy efficiency and combined heat and power generation, smart, high-performance grids, professional, forward-looking products and services and innovative business models. In this, we make our customers' needs and expectations the focus of our activities. This way, we are creating a basis as the "energiser of the future" to maintain our pioneering role in converting the energy system in future as well. With around 5,200 employees, we generated sales of Euro 3.7 billion in the past 2013/14 financial year.

MVV Energie is a company in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region.


Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications