13. Mai 2024 | MVV

MVV Energie AG: CEO Dr. Georg Müller to stand down at end of 2024

The Chief Executive Officer of MVV Energie AG, Dr. Georg Müller, today informed the company’s Supervisory Board of his wish to stand down from his position on the Executive Board of MVV Energie AG as of the end of 2024.

He is thus drawing on an option granted to him by the Supervisory Board upon his most recent appointment at the beginning of 2023. Comments Dr. Müller: “After 16 years as CEO of MVV Energie AG and the intensive course we have all pursued together at the company, I would now like to contribute actively to passing on the baton. In line with agreements with the Supervisory Board, I have therefore decided to stand down from my position at the end of 2024.”

The Chair of the Supervisory Board, Mannheim’s Lord High Mayor Christian Specht, remarks: “I regret this decision by Dr. Müller and would like to thank him for informing us at an early stage. We nevertheless respect his decision and would like to take this opportunity already to thank him for the momentum he has provided for MVV’s far-reaching and sustainable further development”. Christian Specht also stressed that the Supervisory Board had already initiated the steps required for an orderly succession process.


Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications