11. Juni 2014 | MVV

MVV Enamic invests in lighting specialist luminatis

MVV Energie subsidiary acquires 26 percent stake in Luxembourg company

The Mannheim-based energy company MVV Energie aims to address the growing demand from industry, business and local authorities for high-efficiency, and thus cost-cutting, lighting solutions directly in future. To this end, via its MVV Enamic subsidiary it has acquired a 26 percent stake in the Luxembourg-based lighting specialist luminatis. The contract was signed this Wednesday in Luxembourg, where luminatis has its headquarters.

"In luminatis, we have gained an innovative partner offering great expertise and experience when it comes to energy-efficient lighting, one that fits in superbly with our business", stressed Dr. Joachim Hofmann, Managing Director of MVV Enamic. "Pooling their strengths, our companies can jointly offer customised products and services in the high-growth LED market", added Klaus Nesser, one of the two founders of luminatis.

The two companies have already developed and successfully implemented the "Smart-Light-Efficiency" product. In a contracting solution, the factory halls at Werzalit GmbH + Co. KG in Oberstenfeld/Baden-Würtemmberg have been equipped with high-efficiency LED lights. This enabled the customer to generate noticeable cost savings from the first day onwards.

MVV Energie at a glance
With annual sales of around Euro 4 billion, the publicly listed MVV Energie Group is one of Germany's leading energy companies. With around 5,400 employees, our group of companies with local and regional roots covers all major stages of the value chain in offering a reliable supply of electricity, heating energy, gas and water - from energy generation via energy trading, energy distribution via proprietary grids through to sales and energy-related services. Furthermore, our group of companies is also one of Germany’s largest operators of energy from waste and biomass plants. Our corporate strategy focuses on generating profitable medium and long-term growth. In this, we are building on regionalism, efficiency and sustainability.

MVV Enamic at a glance
With annual sales of around Euro 255 million and 700 employees, MVV Enamic GmbH is one of Germany's leading energy-related service providers. In its contracting business, this subsidiary of the publicly-listed company MVV Energie AG manages more than 2,000 heating systems and boiler plants across Germany. Its key focus is on the real estate and industrial customer segments. A further focus of MVV Enamic's business involves operating industrial parks. Alongside energy and media supplies, the company's extensive range of services also includes environmental, safety management and additional location services. Furthermore, MVV Enamic also offers national and international consulting and planning services covering all aspects of energy efficiency enhancement.

luminatis at a glance
Founded in 2011, luminatis specialises in lighting technologies and above all on the high-demand LED market. Not restricted to any specific suppliers, the company offers all measures - from light analysis and planning via product selection and procurement through to installation and operations launch - from a single source. As a general contractor for lighting and LED solutions, luminatis has access to a large network of highly specialised quality suppliers based in Germany and the EU.


Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications